Want to Join? Rush Tau!

Fall 2024 Rush will be happening SOON!

Rush will be happening soon in Fall 2024: Find the rush schedule and all the information you need here! During Rush, attend events around campus to gain many service opportunities within the Gainesville community, as well as some special events with our service partners.

What is Rush? Tau Chapter holds its Rush week near the beginning of each school semester. Students interested in joining Alpha Phi Omega have an opportunity to attend numerous events during the week that express the fraternity’s commitment to leadership, friendship and service, including informational meetings, social gatherings and service projects. Anyone and everyone may come out for the first week of Rush, but you must attend a certain number of events to successfully complete Rush Week.

If you would like to speak with a member of Tau Chapter in person, feel free to contact one of our officers to make an appointment.

Like our page on Facebook or follow our Instagram to stay up to date on when Rush starts!


Rushees who accept their bids become Pledges of the fraternity. The pledging period to become a Brother (the title given to all members) of Tau Chapter lasts approximately 9-10 weeks of the semester, during which time pledges are asked to complete certain requirements. Although specifics of the requirements may change from semester to semester, they usually include passing quizzes on chapter history, accumulating service hours and meeting weekly with fellow pledges. Pledges also have the opportunity to hold officer positions within their pledge class and assist with the planning of their own pledge service project and fundraiser.


More information about pledging is available on the national website.